Our integrated All-In-One Booking Engine allows you to take commission-free reservations through your own website, so you can save on third-party costs while your guests enjoy a fully-branded booking experience!
Reservations Made Easy.

Turn your website into your most valuable booking channel!
With Newbook’s Online Booking System, your website will become a one-stop-shop for your customers to easily navigate their way through accommodation options, view all your property photos, access handy information, and make online reservations.

Activities and Add-Ons
Secure added revenue before your guests even check in by selling activities, add-ons, facility hire, and extras during the booking process! Work on your upselling game and offer additional items that your guests won’t be able to resist, like a bottle of wine on arrival, or perhaps a tour to take in the local culture and surroundings.

Customised Branding
Don’t fret about breaching your branding – the integrated nature of our Online Booking Software means that you can customise everything about the way it looks! Feel confident in knowing that the essence of your unique brand will be consistent across your whole website and instantly recognisable to your guests.

Interactive Booking Maps
By displaying images and descriptions for each of your rooms or sites on your online property map, your guests can visualise your property and make informed decisions when booking with you. It’s handy to know whether a site has power and how far away the amenities are – you can provide as little or as much detail as you like!

No Dead Ends
Tap into every guest’s fear of missing out and never leave them disappointed. With our flexible booking options, NewBook will automatically offer the choice to extend or shorten stays based on your min/max nights, choose from different accommodation types, or book similar dates when a guest’s preferences aren’t available!
Trusted by thousands around
the world.

Increase Your Bookings by up to 600%
Combine the power of our All-In-One Booking System and Integrated Channel Manager to expand your online reach and capture more bookings. Your guests will enjoy a seamless user experience with the ability to personalise their stay by purchasing add-ons, activities and extras, while you enjoy the added revenue!
Ready to
make it happen?
In business, you make your own luck. Don’t leave it to chance — take a look at Newbook.